[Frequently asked questions]
General questions:
1: How do I get Dragon souls P6/P7?
You can get them by defeating Bosses, There's a Boss on each city appears every 10 minutes, Follow the notification spot on your mini-map.

Also there are Rare item find boosters, helps you to increase your chance getting high rated items.
Bosses will be re-generated eventually after 10 minutes from being killed in every city depends on when the last boss was killed.
Also you can go inside the DivineJade Area for a better chance getting P7 DragonSoul/Refinery items.

Otherwise, You can buy them from people in Market.
2: How can I change my gender in-game?
You can change your gender in-game, Go to the Market, and talk to EmceeXian at (197, 190).
3: Which items are untradable?
You can trade any items except the items available at PrizeOfficer and the Quests related items.
4: How do I get Study Points?
Well, there's more than a way to get Study points, choose from the following:
- Spawning & killing the Terato dragon in Twin city for 100 Study points.
- Finding & killing the Lava beasts in F6 to gain 20 Study points for your whole teammates.
- Buying Modesty books from Subclass Manager in Job center.
- Getting Modesty books by wining some events Such as Iron man, Treasure's land.
- Killing monsters in F6, to gain 3-5 Study points per-monster.
5: How do I get refineries such as Critical/Intensification/Immunity..etc?
Some refineries are available in the Arena store and some of them are coming by killing Lava beasts. Lev6 Refineries can be obtained whether by defeating the NemesisTyrant inside the DivineJade, or by Winning the ElitePK Tournament. Also you can buy them from the players.