SERVER TIME:  Thursday 09/12/2024 00:25 am

Guide > Alternative Equipment

Alternative Gears/Equipments

Besides the main equipment interface, there will be a alternative equipment interface! Players can switch the interface to change equipment.

Click "alternative" on the status interface, then you can see the alternative equipment interface!

The slots for the alternative equipment interface are the same as those on the main equipment interface. You can drag your equipment into the relevant slots.

If some equipment slots are empty on the alternative equipment interface, you’ll equip the main equipment instead!

If you use the main equipment, all equipment in the main equipment interface will be activated. When you switch to the alternative equipment, your headgear will be Trojan Coronet and weapons will be blade and club, and other items will use the main equipment.

For example:

Current alternative Equipment

Current Main Equipments

1. You can drag the main\alternative equipment switch button to the shortcut bar.

main\alternative equipment switch button On the shortcut bar

2. When you get reborn, only main equipment will revert to your new low level. The improper alternative items to your level will be unloaded.
3. Upgrading is only available for equipment from the main equipment interface.
4. If some equip slots are empty on the alternative equipment interface, you’ll equip the main equipment instead!
5. Please be aware of that if your attribute or level is lower than the requirement of your main equipment set, you will not be able to get your main equipment back on.

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