January 02 2023 23:39:02

New features/events:
- Celebrating the new year with our beloved player, Check this link!for more information.
- Flowers rankings have been completely reset.
Fixes and Modifications:
- Fixed an issue where the FPS changes so often and being unstable.
- Fixed an issue where some mounts from the Christmas event were untradable.
- Reworked some skills not to be spammed by macros.
- Reduced the cooldown on item usage for some items.
- Fixed an issue where the DragonWarrior was dealing +123k damage on melee.
- Fixed an issue where EpicBacksword was not giving the proper ItemBless.
- Fixed a bug with the damage of WrathOfEmperor EpicMonk skill.
Please do not hesitate to report any bug/glitch you experience.
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