November 24 2023 23:33:50
New features/events:
- The WhiteFriday Celebrations are up! Check this link for more information!
- New Garments PopSmoke, and AspirationJacket[Cursed] are now available at PrizeOfficer NPC.
- New Mounts FierceCloud, and PacificCloud are alos available at PrizeOfficer NPC.
- Added CitiesWar event (Beta) so it will be tested by the online players.
- Preliminary codes were implemented for upcoming updates.
Fixes and Modifications:
- Increased the LastManStanding Event reward to 100m CPs instead of 10m CPs.
- Increased the DailyPK Event reward to 250m CPs instead of 100m CPs.
- Increased the EGW and CGW rewards to 5b CPs instead of 2b CPs.
- Increased the Super GuildWar reward to be 25b instead of 10b CPs.
- Fixed a bug with the SoulShackle skill on PK/Team modes.
- Fixed a bug with Floor skills being stuck at the edge of player's screen.
- Fixed a bug where players on ChargingVortex skill were meant to receive damage according to a previous update notes.
- Fixed a bug with the Health Potions cool-down, Pots cool-down won't be scale dynamically anymore.
- Reduced the cool-down for Alt-gears switches.
Please do not hesitate to report any bug/glitch you experience.
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