December 16 2023 23:16:43

New features/events:
- Immortals Xmas Celebrations as 14 days of festive favors have begun! Check this link for more information.
- Immortals Outpost Rush NPC has been released beside the GuildChief at TwinCity (350, 340).
- New garments SantaClaus & PapaNoel and XmasBear Mount are now available through PrizeOfficer NPC.
- New garment FuryGhost has been released to the PrizeOfficer Shop.
- LettersQuest will now be held at 13:00 and 04:00, Check the Events schedule for more information.
- New 2 Weapon Accessories EmperorKatana & SpectreKatana are now available through the ChampionsPts Shop.

Fixes and Modifications:
- Fixed an issue where players could be dropping items while IsPilot Enabled.
- Fixed an issue with the Offensive words filter.
- Fixed some visual typos with NPC's dialogs.
- Updated all the PVP events rewards, Check the Events schedule for more information.
Please do not hesitate to report any bug/glitch you experience.
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